
Philomena Zoeschg

Italian names adopted
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
St. Nikolaus
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
Yes, the names all changed! Yes, I know at our school, it has also been called - that is where I was at my aunt, who have adopted a different name, and Dalostanio after they have been called. And first they have written Schwirmbacher. And then they called Dalostanio. Different people have a different, adopted an Italian name. But I think they got money for it, because otherwise would not quite sure adopted a name, chosen because they have actually German! But that is precisely the time when Mussolini was, as it was called, yes, people should get yourself just different names. And most certainly have got the money. I do not remember who else - have a few names I knew. Dalostanio and - well, how else? No, I do not remember. I can now say no more, at least have gotten a lot of other names. That is quite funny, for us that have had at one time a different name.